A downloadable game for Windows

As you visit the gravestone of your great grandfather, Gabriel John, you notice a strange inscription on that old epitaph: "One day, one will discover what lies beneath. Hope that you, the one reading this, are not the one".

Explore a strange catacomb, procedurally generated each run, while following instructions and trying not to get lost in that dark maze where your vision constantly shrink and you must search for food to have enough speed to avoid the few dangers around you.

Based on a song from Henry Purcell (1659-1694), entitled An old epitaph. It is sung by me (x2) and my dad. Sorry if it does not sound great, I do have problems with my voice these days.

You can move with the arrow keys and jump with the up arrow key. Follow any instructions you hear, and if you ever get stuck or the floor is lava, remember that you can jump mid-air as much as you want! There were supposed to be monsters (circles) lurking in the maze but it seems they are not present (maybe there are too few for the big environement). If you find yourself without a good flashlight or very hungry, just pick up batteries or granola bars lying around... somehow..?

Submission for the p5.js game jam #2 with the theme "What lies beneath", made in way less than 72h because I kept changing my mind lol

Creepy ambiance I used: https://freesound.org/s/594225/


An old epitaph.zip 147 MB

Install instructions

Simply download, unzip, and run An_old_epitaph.exe ! If there is a Windows Defender popup this is because of reputation: as it only has been downloaded a few times you will be warned. To execute it anyways, either press the "Run anyway" button if it appears, if not, press learn more and it should appear.

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